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RESOLUTION Regarding the UN Study on Violence Against Women

by International grouping (see below) 2006

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  1. Whereas, the World Health Organization has reported that twice as many men die from violence-related causes as women,

  2. Whereas, men are more than three-times more likely than women to die from injuries sustained from armed conflict,1

  3. Whereas, 3.5 times as many men commit suicide worldwide as women, 1

  4. Whereas, in almost every country around the world, men have shorter life expectancies than women, reaching a 13-year disparity in the Russian Federation,

  5. Whereas, a compilation of 195 scientific studies of partner violence concludes, “women are as physically aggressive, or more aggressive, than men in their relationships with spouses or male partners,”

  6. Whereas, according to a Statistics Canada report, 7% of women and 6% of men report violence by a current or previous partner in the previous five years.

  7. Whereas, according to a recent international study of severe violence among dating couples, 55% was mutual violence, 16% was male-only, and 29% of violence was female-only.

  8. Whereas, the president of the American Psychological Association has recently noted that “Several studies of domestic violence have suggested that males and females in relationships have an equal likelihood of acting out physical aggression,”

  9. Whereas, reports from Africa reveal that domestic violence against men is widespread, but men are reluctant to report the abuses, ,


  1. Whereas, the United Nations recently released the Secretary-General’s Study on Violence Against Women,

  2. Whereas, the report ignores the fact that half of all partner violence is mutual, and glosses over the problem of male victimization altogether,

  3. Whereas, the report uses misandrous and inflammatory language such as “patriarchal” in falsely stereotyping men,

  4. Whereas, leading family violence researchers around the world have criticized the report’s portrayal of domestic violence as being “biased” and ensuring “that both women and men will continue to be victimised in this way,”


  1. Whereas, programs similar to those proposed by the Secretary-General’s report have caused undesirable outcomes for women,

  2. Whereas, the report fails to require persons who allege domestic violence to provide objective evidence of abuse, and false allegations are known to result in harm to children,

  3. Whereas, the report also calls for stronger law enforcement and prosecution efforts, which have been shown to result in widespread violations of due process protections,

  4. Whereas, the result of such domestic violence programs has been to weaken families, bias divorce proceedings, and deprive children of contact from their fathers.

Therefore, the undersigned organizations urgently call on the Third Committee to:

  1. Simply “Note” (but not “Welcome”) the recent Secretary-General’s report.

  2. Discourage implementation of the recommendations of the Study on Violence Against Women until its effects on families and children are analyzed and understood.

  3. Request incoming UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon to undertake a counterpart Study on Violence against Men.

Mark Rosenthal
RADAR: Respecting Accuracy in Domestic Abuse Reporting

James Adams
Dads on the Air

Tony Miller
Dads in Distress

James Adams
Fathers 4 Equality

Barry Williams
Lone Fathers’ Association

Micheal Woods
Men’s Health Information & Resource Centre

Sue Price
Men’s Rights Agency

John Flanagan
Non-Custodial Parents Party

Edward Dabrowski
Shared Parenting Council of Australia

Jan Van Baelen
Families for Justice

Lise Bilodeau
ANCQ (Action Nouvelles Conjointes du Québec)

Georges Dupuy
Coalition pour la Défense des Droits des Hommes du Québec

Earl Silverman
Family of Men Support Society

Brian Jenkins
Fathers are Capable, Too: Parenting Association

Kris Titus
Fathers 4 Justice – Canada

Daniel Laforest
Fathers-4-Justice Québec

Jean Marie Pomerleau
Fathers-4-Justice –Outaouais, Québec

Jean-Claude Boucher
l'Après-Rupture, Ateliers pour les Liens Père-Enfants, Inc.

Brian Johnson
Regina Shared Parenting Network

Czech Republic:
Miroslav Kapr
Aliance pro Deti a Rodice

Jiri Solc
Cesky Svaz Muzu

Jiri Fiala

Jiri Vodicka

Lubos Patera
Spravedlnost Detem

Bertrand Giraud
L'Enfant et Son Droit

Grigori Gurewitsch
Düssel Mums & Dads

Dr. Eugen Maus

Thomas Sochart
Vaeter Aktuell

Nicolas Spitalas
Sos Sygapa (Men’s and Father’s Dignity)

Mary Cleary
AMEN (Abused Men)

Daniel Desmond
Christian Democrats/The National Party

Nora Bennis
Mothers At Home

Roger Eldridge
National Men's Council of Ireland

John Zammit, Ph.D.
Association for Men’s Rights

Peter A.N. Tromp, PhD
Dutch Foundation for Child and Access

Peter A.N. Tromp, PhD

Eugen Hockenjos
Fathercare Knowledge Centre Europe

Ad Verdiesen
Gescheiden Vaders Nederland (Divorced Dads of the Netherlands)

Theo M. Nieuwenhuizen, PhD
Stichting Ouders zonder Omgang
(Dutch Foundation of Parents without Access)

New Zealand:
Jim Bailey
HandsOnEqualParent Trust

South Africa:
Steven Pretorius, MBChB
Fathers4Justice South Africa

United Kingdom:
Shaun O’Connell
Family Links International

John Bannon
Environmental Law Centre

Erin Pizzey
International Founder of Refuges (Shelters) for Victims of Domestic Violence

Stephen Fitzgerald
The ManKind Initiative

Dave Mortimer
Men’s Aid

Mike McCormick
American Coalition for Fathers and Children

David Usher
American Coalition for Fathers and Children – Missouri

Tom Smith
American Union for Men

Rinaldo Del Gallo III
Berkshire Fatherhood Coalition

Susan Wolpin
Bucks County FACE

Harry Crouch
California Men’s Center, San Diego

Sally Jacobs
Center for Children’s Justice - Carolinas Chapter

James Hays
Coalition of Fathers and Families, NY

Mark Charalambous
CPF/The Fatherhood Coalition

Paul Clements

Bruce Eden
Dads Against Discrimination (DADS )--New Jersey

James Blackstone
DADS - Alabama Chapter

James Semerad
DADS and MOMS of Michigan

Michael Burns
Dialogue on Sustainable Community

George Gilliland
Domestic Rights Coalition

Bob Batterbee
Equal is Equal

Charles Corry, PhD
Equal Justice Foundation

Michael Ross
Family Rights Coalition of Michigan

Angela Pedersen
“Father:” A Child’s Right

Mike East

Jeff Golden
Fathers' and Children's Equality (FACE)

Dan Hogan
Fathers and Families

Jamil Jabr
Fathers for Justice

Ron Jagannathan
Fathers for Virginia

Alan Rusmisel
Fathers 4 Justice -- Alabama

Joseph Mixon
Fathers 4 Justice – New Hampshire

Carl Steppling
Florida Coalition for Families and Children

Tony Spalding
Florida Dads

Don Mathis
The Fourteen Percenter

Alan Millard
Men and Fathers for Justice

Scott Garman
Men’s Activism News Network

Jeffrey Dick
Men’s Custody Shelter Network

Tom Golden
Men’s Equality Conference

Michael G. Rother
National Coalition of Free Men

Deborah Watkins
National Coalition of Free Men-- Dallas/Fort Worth Chapter

Marc Angelucci
National Coalition of Free Men—Los Angeles Chapter

Michael Geanoulis
National Congress for Fathers and Children --
New Hampshire Chapter

Marty Nemko
National Organization for Men

Joe Mastromarino, MD
NH Commission on the Status of Men

Marc Snider

Grayson Walker, Ph.D.
Parents Without Rights

Judith Brumbaugh
Restoration of the Family

David Burroughs
Safe Homes For Children and Families Coalition

Lee Newman
SAFE (Stop Abuse for Everyone)- International

Debra Roy/Joanie Comeau
SAFE (Stop Abuse for Everyone)-NH

Pastor Kenneth Deemer
Shattered Men

Teri Stoddard
Shared Parenting Works

Lisa Scott
TABS: Taking Action against Bias in the System

Terri Lynn Tersak
True Equality Network

June Marsh
True Equality Network – Alaska

Tammy Sears
True Equality Network – Arizona

Carol Johnson
True Equality Network – California

Eve Smith
True Equality Network – Colorado

Alice Barnard
True Equality Network – Florida

Karla Stavich
True Equality Network – Georgia

Gina Holleran
True Equality Network – Illinois

Julie Garafollo
True Equality Network – Iowa

Jane Tomaccicio
True Equality Network – Maryland

Ashley Carnes
True Equality Network – Massachusetts

Susan Austin
True Equality Network – Michigan

Christine Hoffen
True Equality Network – New Hampshire

Kris Whitehall
True Equality Network – New Jersey

Loraine Martin
True Equality Network – Oregon

Tina Jordan
True Equality Network – North Dakota

Kathy Michaels
True Equality Network – Pennsylvania

Marsha Folley
True Equality Network – Tennessee

Jackie Meyers
True Equality Network – Texas

Sylvia Domeco
True Equality Network – Utah

Janice Larken
True Equality Network – Virginia

Debbie Weltz
True Equality Network – Wisconsin

Pete Kerr
Walk for Children




Peter Douglas Zohrab

Latest Update

2 April 2016
