Sex, Lies
& Feminism by Peter Zohrab
Chapter 3: The "Rape
is Violence" Lie
Whatever you say, dear.
A surprising thing happened to me while working on this book: While
I was attending a course for teachers, several Feminists handed me the
best disproof of their position on rape I could ever hope to find! 1
In fact, this group (mainly women) is so determinedly Feminist (and left-wing,
generally) that I almost had to pinch myself. Here's what happened.
One topic covered during the one-day course was Brain Sex, based on
the book of the same name. After talking about a few of the differences
between male and female psychology mentioned in that book, the Facilitator,
addressing the women in the audience, said something like: "You
know what it's like when you tell your husband not to buy you a present
for your birthday – and he doesn't?"
There was a chorus of patronising agreement from the mainly-female
audience. Men are just supposed to know they really do need to buy a
gift. So I jumped at the opportunity to say, "That's just like
rape. The woman says 'No,' and the man's wrong whatever happens."
There was a surprised, but almost unanimous retort of "No!"
from this same audience. (I might have added that a man could end up
in jail for making one choice in such situations, or lose his marriage
if he makes the other choice.)
So, whether a woman says no and means yes in one situation, but says
no and means no in another, men are just supposed to magically, telepathically
intuit the correct meaning and act accordingly? Only those who benefit
from the grant of such whimsy could say this makes sense.
This incident illustrates a number of points: One is that the Feminist
insistence a woman always means "No" when she says "No"
is a lie, as Camille Paglia, though she calls herself a Feminist, has
noted. And many men have gone to jail because that lie has become official
doctrine in some courtrooms.
Another point is that allowing only Feminists to have serious input
into Sex/Gender policies has created a society in which women can have
their cake and eat it too, while men are put into a no-win situation.
In other words, western men are increasingly having to choose between
avoiding relationships or risking an arrest for rape. A male no-win situation
also exists in the area of domestic violence and the divorce courts. Such
no-win situations are the inevitable result of institutionalising female
pressure-groups, while ignoring and discouraging male pressure-groups,
which is what western establishments are doing.
The final point this anecdote illustrates is how the Politically Correct
are perfectly prepared to deny obvious truths and force their faith on
others by sheer weight of numbers. This is shown by the chorus of "No's"
my comment elicited. To be fair, by the next day it seemed my point had
sunk in to some extent, so their retort was probably the knee-jerk reaction
of people who recognise theological heresy when they hear it. But I should
add that I had been preparing the ground for many years, with the gradual
introduction of anti-Feminist heresies. But for that background, their
prejudice would have remained undiminished and my career would have suffered
severe consequences, I expect.
There are basically two ways of looking at rape:
Find more ways of saying how evil men are, possibly as a reaction
to suppressed guilt over abortion (the extreme Feminist approach);
Understand it and take informed action to prevent or mitigate its
I take the second approach, and this chapter will focus on male-female
rape because it is the most known form. However, other forms, such as
female-on-female rape, do occur, as reported in the article, "I was
raped by another woman" (Cleo magazine, New Zealand, August 1999).
The Anatomical Context of Rape
If you think men are bad and women are good, and women are always victims
when heterosexual sexual activity takes place, and rape is always the
man's fault, then you should read no further. This chapter is not for
you. As we will see in the chapter on equality, men and women are not
in a symmetrical relationship and nowhere is this more clearly demonstrated
than in the area of courtship and sex.
We can start with the reciprocally non-symmetrical genital anatomy of
men and women. Men and women do not have genital anatomy that is reciprocally
symmetrical or identical. Instead, they have complementary anatomies.
The crucial elements I want to draw out of the above description are
the sexual act is a joint endeavour;
pressure/force, in most cases, needs to be applied by the man;
resistance, in most cases, needs to be applied by the woman.
So we can already see how rape can be a matter of degree. Indeed, far
from disagreeing with Feminazis who scream "All Men Are Rapists,"
I almost agree with them. Men who engage in heterosexual sex are almost
compelled to use force against a resisting woman, and that probably comes
under many definitions of rape. (censored) These
facts mean the psychology of an aroused man must typically be very different
from the psychology of an aroused woman.
Feminists who scream that rape is not a sexual act but an act of violence
are lying, in order to make it more likely that penalties for rape will
be increased, and to make the charge of rape harder for a man to defend
against in court.. The article "The Causes of Criminal Behaviour
– why do they do it?" reports that rapists reported urges for
sex with an adult woman as a major cause of offending.3
Any studies that found rape to be the result of anger or a lust
for power, need to be reevaluated by researchers who don't have a Feminist
axe to grind. Feminists have a strong ideological motive to prove rape
is an act of violence, and any "research" carried out by them
in this area is bound to have an agenda behind it.
This agenda has gone so far in New Zealand (for example) that the maximum
penalty for rape is greater than the maximum penalty for murder! There
is a sentence called "preventive detention" – i.e., an
indefinite term of incarceration – which is imposed for sex crimes
but not for murder, on its own. Here, as in the case of abortion, we find
Society values the rights and convenience of women more highly than the
life of unborn children or the rights of men.
In fact, arguing about whether rape involves sex or violence is missing
the point, to some extent. We have words like "sex," "violence,"
"pleasure" and "pain" which allow us to divide the
world into arbitrary concepts. Reality itself is amorphous. There is little
real difference between a sexual act and an act of violence. It would
be a huge coincidence if the above words (in English) could each be demonstrated
to correspond to totally separate and distinct biochemical reactions.
I am not a Biochemist, however, so the most that I can do is wait to see
research findings on this issue and examine them carefully.
The standard sexual act in the Missionary Position is, to some extent,
an act of violence, as I have explained above. Moreover, there is no definite
dividing-line between pleasure and pain. These are sensory experiences,
and some are clearly pleasurable while others are clearly painful –
with a grey area in between. So certain acts can be both sexual and violent
at the same time and the person experiencing those acts can experience
both pleasure and pain.
Quite a few experiences – especially during sex-play – are
a bit painful and more than a bit pleasurable. Quite a lot of biting and
scratching and digging-in of nails goes on, in some sex-acts. Since the
"victims" of this sort of violence are usually males, the Feminists
have not seen fit to make an issue of it. Bondage and sado-masochism are
merely at one end of a spectrum of sexual behaviours and they are not
that different from normal sex. Snuff movies – appalling though
they are – are just the extreme end of a sex/violence continuum.
The Social Context of Rape
The different sexual behaviours of men and women are to some extent
isomorphic with their different anatomies. In other words, men have the
main tool/weapon of the sex act, and they are also the main initiators
of courtship. Women have the receptacle for the sex act, and also tend
to be the recipients rather than the initiators of courtship. It is biologically
efficient for women to behave generally as passively during courtship
as they do during sex itself. Similarly, it is biologically efficient
for men to behave generally as aggressively during courtship as they do
during the sex act.
This is because both women and men can apply the same sort of mind-set
(her: "Let him make the moves"; him: "It's up to me to
take the plunge") in both situations. It would be a bit schizophrenic
if women made all the moves during courtship then suddenly lapsed into
passivity during the sex act itself. In terms of hormones and personality
structures, I doubt living beings could evolve in that contradictory sort
of way.
Since all men are faced with the necessity of coping with frequent rejection
or apparent indifference (and women are not), the survival of the species
demands that men adopt a thick-skinned attitude to apparent rejection.
The old proverb "hell hath no fury like a woman scorned" only
makes sense if women are seldom "scorned." You certainly don't
get the impression there are millions of women running around feeling
enraged because they were rejected.
Women may well feel rejected at times, in the sense they do not receive
the attentions of a man whom they are trying to attract. But that pales
in comparison with the frequent experience of men who make (and are expected
to make) an overt pass at a woman, who then rejects them crudely and out
of hand. There is no proverb such as "hell hath no fury like a man
scorned" for the simple reason that being scorned by a woman is an
extremely common experience for most men, and they simply couldn't cope
with normal life if they went about feeling furious every time this happened.
There is also a status issue involved here. You can only get "furious"
if you feel you have lost face and been humiliated. For a woman, it is
humiliating to expose herself to rejection only to be rejected, whereas
a man does not have the sort of status or pride in the context of the
mating game that gives him the luxury of feeling humiliated by rejection.
He can feel depressed, certainly, but not furious. (In fact, men who do
feel enraged by rejection are generally considered very dangerous and
potentially criminal.)
Such rejection can be very traumatic at times – especially for
adolescent males. So a man has to either put up with celibacy or learn
to be thick-skinned. There is only a thin line between such a mentality
and the mentality of a rapist, and it is inevitable this boundary will
be crossed from time to time. Hence, in the context of defining, recognizing
and prosecuting sex crimes, it is grossly unjust to penalise men too harshly
for crossing this boundary – particularly while allowing women to
behave as they like without running any serious legal risk.
The Legal Concept of Rape
We have to decide whether, or to what extent, rape and female passivity
are two sides of the same genetically programmed coin, then design our
legal system accordingly. A significant problem is the effect the pervasive
Feminist propaganda has, and how it tries to let women have their cake
and eat it, too. Women have the luxury of expecting men to make all the
moves, then accusing them of rape as and when they wish.
Masculists should demand sexual equality in the area of sex crimes.
The types of crimes women commit should be more heavily penalised than
they are at present. To balance the crime of rape (unless it is downgraded
in some way), I suggest there should be some legal way of penalising women
to an equivalent degree for failing to take the initiative in sexual relationships
– or, alternatively, for rejecting a man when it could be argued
she "led him on."
Women on top?
In practice and the overwhelming majority of cases, men have to initiate
sexual relationships with women in the face of a female attitude ranging
from active discouragement (often, but of course not always, turning into
acquiescence if the man persists), through to apparent indifference, all
the way to ambiguous non-discouragement with possible "signs"
of receptivity. One study claims to show that, in singles bars, it is
primarily women who initiate sexual relationships. As far as the first
actual physical contact is concerned, however, the study apparently included
"incidental" or "quasi-accidental" touching of the
man by the woman. This would be typical of the general "deniability"
stance of women in sexual relationships. Hence, the actual unambiguous,
risk-taking transition from casual acquaintance to physical/sexual relationship
is still a male responsibility.
Relatively recently, the concept of "date rape" hit the headlines,
particularly in the United States. It resulted in the notorious Antioch
College Sexual Offense Prevention Policy (1996), which centres on the
following definition of "consent": "the act of willingly
and verbally agreeing to engage in specific sexual behavior." (formerly
at Antioch College)
What is new about date rape is that it marks an attempted shift in the
definition of "rape." Previously, most people assumed rape was
sexual intercourse forced on a woman who stated she was unwilling to participate.
With date rape came the idea rape was what a man committed if he had sexual
intercourse with a woman who did not explicitly agree to it. This is totally
unfair to men. As Thomas (1993) puts it:
"(T)here seems little way in which a boy can avoid being
accused of rape. For boys are still expected to take girls out, pour
a couple of drinks down them, plead everlasting love and then make a
pass.... If you don't at least try to seduce them, girls are apt to
get offended (and start casting aspersions on your virility –
PZ). And ... there may never be a moment at which anyone actually asks,
'May I?' or gets the answer 'Yes'." (op.cit., page 178)
Then there's the old problem of women who say "no" and mean
"yes", which I referred to above. Many Feminists deny this ever
happens, but Thomas (1993) cites a 1991 poll, conducted among female students
at the University of Texas's psychology department, where nearly 50 percent
of respondents admitted to saying "no" to sexual advances, while
really meaning "yes" or "maybe." Most men must be
aware of this sort of behaviour from their own experience.
The Political Context of Rape
I find myself in agreement with Barbara Amiel (quoted by Thomas, 1993,
pages 178-9), who wrote that Feminism...
"...has moved from the liberal goal of equality between the
sexes to the political goal of power for women, and is now well on the
road to legislating out of existence the biologically based mating habits
of our species.... Feminists wish male sexuality to be immaterial in
criminal law. Women should be free to engage in any type of behaviour
that suits their own sexuality without regard to the consequences. This
approach views men as vibrators: women may pick them up, switch them
on, play around and then, if the off-switch doesn't work, sue the manufacturer
for damages."
I also agree with Amiel's conclusion that the hidden agenda behind the
whole date-rape issue could be found in the fact that the senior leaders
of the U.S. National Organization for Women, America's leading Feminist
organization, are Lesbians. It would be psychologically hard for Feminist
activists to keep attacking men in the way they do if they were at the
same time emotionally and sexually involved in relationships with men.
In fact, I once went – uninvited -- to the launch of an "Anti-Violence
Week" in Wellington, New Zealand. I got there early, and found that
the organising was being done almost exclusively by butch Lesbians ! When
I interrupted the opening speech to complain that no men's groups had
been invited, one of the Lesbians told me that men should organise their
own anti-violence week ! In other words, she was admitting that "Anti-Violence"
was a specifically pro-women, anti-men concept, as far as she was concerned.
Clearly, many Feminist writers and activists hate men, possibly because
they are Lesbians. Anyone who reads the SCUM Manifesto, for example, is
left in no doubt that this is the product of Lesbian man-hatred (misandry)
dressed up as political theory:
Life in this society being, at best, an utter bore and no aspect
of society being at all relevant to women, there remains to civic-minded,
responsible, thrill-seeking females only to overthrow the government,
eliminate the money system, institute complete automation and destroy
the male sex. (Opening paragraph of the Scum Manifesto, Valerie Solanas,
It may also be a chicken-and-egg situation, to some extent: some women
may become Lesbians as a result of joining the Feminist movement and meeting
Lesbian Feminists; others may have started out as Lesbians and then seen
the Feminist movement as a way of expressing their dislike of men. Still
others may have been bisexuals or closet-Lesbians who found the Feminist
movement provided an environment more conducive to Lesbianism than to
Heterosexuality. Some may even have joined the Women's Movement mainly
in order to find partners!
Brownmiller (Against Our Will, New York: Simon & Schuster, 1980)
stated a very radical, misandristic (man-hating) theory of rape:
"Man's structural capacity to rape and woman's corresponding
structural vulnerability are as basic to the physiology of both our
sexes as the primal act of sex itself.... Anatomically, one might want
to improve on the design of nature, but such speculation appears to
my mind as unrealistic.... In the violent landscape inhabited by primitive
woman and man,... rape became not only a male prerogative, but man's
basic weapon of force against woman, the principal agent of his will
and her fear.... It is nothing more or less than a conscious process
of intimidation by which all men keep all women in a state of fear."
(Brownmiller 1980, 232-233).
Although Brownmiller eventually repudiated much of what she said in
Against Our Will, such claims were very influential nevertheless, particularly
the idea all men consciously keep all women in fear of rape, which is
a blatant lie. It is certainly not true of me, and I doubt I am unique.
When I have thought of rape at all, it never crossed my mind to think
of it in terms of any power the hypothetical possibility I might rape
someone might give me. I only thought of it in terms of how I would feel
about it. Whether all women are afraid of being raped is another matter,
and Feminists have certainly worked hard to infect women with such fear.
Nonetheless, Brownmiller has a point, hidden amongst all the hyperbole:
It is plausible to suggest that the possibility that almost any man could
rape almost any woman colours the power relationship between the sexes.
Equally, however, one could say the fact that any woman could cry "rape"
after any instance of love-making also colours the power relationship
between the sexes.
Women are usually comparatively passive in sexual relationships in general,
and in sexual intercourse in particular. So the male always runs the risk
that a woman who usually means "yes" when she says "no"
(and this is fairly common, as we saw from the survey cited above) might
claim afterwards that she had actually meant "no." This is especially
the case in societies where it is now possible for a woman to accuse her
husband of rape. Rape has to be seen in the context of dating, foreplay
and intercourse customs, pressures and practices. Brownmiller talks of
"man's structural capacity to rape and woman's corresponding structural
vulnerability." The other side of the coin is woman's structural
capacity to be passive and ambiguous and man's corresponding structural
vulnerability to rejection and false accusations.
Bill of Sex Act Rights?
Feminists pooh-pooh the idea any men ever experience such strong urges
they literally cannot control themselves. I don't know how they could
possibly know this for a fact. Maybe all it means is that women never
have such feelings. Certainly a legal system should never require a man
to stop intercourse, once started. Nor should a woman have the right to
expect a man to control himself to the extent she can tell him to stop
once he has actually started the sex-act itself. I assert this as a Men's
Rights activist! Men need to have some rights in the sex act, and this
needs to be one of them. A man is not merely a living vibrator at a woman's
beck and call. He cannot be just switched on and off as it happens to
suit some woman and the anti-male Legal System. Perhaps we need a Bill
of Sex Act Rights, with this point as Article One.
Then there's the issue of blue balls. The medical reference work Rosenfeld
(Symptoms, New York:Bantam 1990) contains the following passage:
"Another cause of testicular pain is unrequited love and
unfulfilled passion. The resulting congestion of the scrotal tissues
causes pain. The condition, known among its sufferers as 'blue balls',
is easily remediable – but not by a doctor!"
Women suffer no analogous pain from unrequited love, and in societies
where masturbaition is frowned upon a man might indeed find himself fighting
a sexual compulsion to rape a woman because of a real, pressing physical
need to relieve his pain. This does not make rape excusable (morally or
legally), but it does place men in a different situation from any that
women have to face.
The issue of rape needs to be rethought in western societies. As with
other Men's/Fathers' Issues, there should be – and probably will
be – a two-pronged assault on the status quo:
Specialist groups of men will concentrate on lobbying for specific
law changes.
Generalist Men's Rights activists will gradually make society realise
that the feelings, interests and rights of men and fathers need to
be taken into account when legislative and administrative decisions
are made that affect them. This will gradually apply to laws relating
to rape as well as to other parts of the legal system.
In this context, the customs of societies where women make an effort
to be modest and to keep themselves hidden from unrelated men no longer
seem very strange. They are one solution to an age-old problem. Modern
Feminist societies have taken the line that women can "have it all"
- i.e., if something goes wrong, the blame is put squarely on the man.
That is unfair on men.
I see no obvious utopia, as far as the law on rape is concerned. Rape
is a problem. Part of the problem is that the law is intervening in the
the areas of courtship and the sex act, and these areas do not put the
same pressures onto both men and women. For now, I suggest only that we
think beyond and around the "Woman as Goddess-Victim" mindset
we are suffering from at present.