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Me Old Mate Tame Iti (not)

-- translation: "my old friend Tame Iti (not)"

Peter Zohrab 2017

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I only realised that Tame Iti and I had something in common when, on Christmas Day 2016 (at 4:00 PM, from memory), I heard Radio New Zealand National broadcasting a lecture/talk/rant by him on his political views. It seems to me obvious that his talk was broadcast on Christmas Day in order to make sure that as few people as possible would actually hear it! Presumably he was given the chance to broadcast his views as part of some negotiated deal, and he was double-crossed by not being consulted about when it would be broadcast.

Similarly, I was interviewed for an equally rare programme -- a documentary on Men's Rights called "Save The Males" -- and it was only broadcast on TV2 at 11:25pm (on Wednesday 23rd November 2005)! In other words, it was broadcast mid-week at nearly midnight on TV 2, which specialises in entertainment programming, with no news or current affairs. This no doubt ensured that almost no one who would be interested would know that it was on and almost no one who usually watched that channel would bother watching it.

In other words, New Zealand is run by White women who deliberately censor the media for their own political benefit, but allow men to take figurehead leadership roles, as long as those men implement (somewhat) White Feminist policies.

Page 15 of my father's "History of the New Zealand Civil Service 1840-1866" states, referring to Attorney-General Swainson:

"He almost persuaded Shortland to renounce British sovereignty over a part of New Zealand."

Presumably that refers to at least one of those parts of New Zealand whose chiefs had not signed the Treaty of Waitangi. Those parts, therefore, were incorporated into the state of New Zealand by conquest, rather than by voluntary cession. As far as I am aware, Tame Iti's Tuhoe tribe was one of those which had not signed the Treaty. As far as I am concerned, any part of New Zealand whose Maori chief did not sign the Treaty of Waitangi should be independent. That is just Natural Justice. I argue for Natural Justice for men, so I also have to argue for Natural Justice for Maoris (and Whites and everyone else).

I think the Urewera Raids were aimed at giving the Tuhoe a taste of their own medicine, because they were believed to be planning to perpetrate terrorist acts on the rest of the population. The raids were an attempt to make the Tuhoe understand that their own people would also become victims. The defence case that the people involved were just training to become security guards is totally implausible, in my view.

Summary Haiku:

Men have no rights,
but aren't less human.
We blame sexism.






Peter Douglas Zohrab

Latest Update

21 October 2017
