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Sequence of Letters to the Broadcasting Standards Authority on Feminist Bias and Sexism -- Letter No. 2

© Peter Zohrab 2012

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4 August 2002


Dr. Michael Stace,

Complaints Manager,

Broadcasting Standards Authority,

PO Box 9213,


Dear Dr.Stace,

Thank you for your letter of 2 August 2002, inviting me to make a final submission in respect of my complaint about an item on One News on 20 June 2002.  I note from the copy of a letter which you enclosed that TVNZ has decided not to add any further comments to its original letter to me on this matter, which you have seen.  I will now summarise the points I made in my previous letter to you on this matter:

  I did not misunderstand the source of the statistics in the item in question.  I called it “feminist propaganda” because of the way that TVNZ packaged the item (as usual).

The issue was prima facie a Men’s Rights issue, which therefore required input from a Men’s Rights activist, in order to have balance and fairness.  As David Edmunds himself states, the issue was about women earning less than their male counterparts. 

David Edmunds further states, “The item was not a Men’s Rights vs Women’s Rights issue.”  I challenged him – through you – to provide evidence that he knew anything about Men’s Rights, but he failed to respond.  I am a Men’s Rights expert on both the national and the international stage (as a search of the Web would easily confirm), and my book on Men’s Rights has a chapter on Employment Issues which is the longest chapter in the entire book. TVNZ, on the other hand, is merely a media organisation, and cannot be expected to have any factual knowledge about non-media-related issues – other than what it finds out by research and from interviews.  In fact, in another matter, David Edmunds referred to someone as being a “language expert”, who turned out to be merely a racist lexicographer !  Moreover, TVNZ naturally has an organisational culture, into which unions and pressure groups have input, and that culture is clearly a Feminist, anti-male culture.  This culture is the source of deliberate misinformation, which then comes to dominate New Zealand culture, because of the power that TVNZ has over people’s beliefs.  How can someone like me, speaking the truth, compete with familiar pretty faces, telling lies or half-truths in vast numbers of living rooms every day ?

The item did not even mention the well-known “Pay Equity” argument that the pay of female-majority professions should be brought up to the level of male-majority professions – with the result that this argument could not be refuted.  This was disingenuous / hypocritical of TVNZ, since Pay Equity legislation is very much on some people’s agenda –legislation about this was once before Parliament, and the so-called “Human Rights” Commission once conducted a series of seminars promoting it.  So for TVNZ to ignore this aspect, while refusing to interview a Men’s Rights activist on this issue, amounts to nothing less than collusion with the Feminists who were preparing to put out the Ministry of Women’s Affairs discussion paper on Pay Equity. 

This is not Democracy.  This is totalitarian oppression !  Payback time will come.


Peter Zohrab ,

Acting President,

New Zealand Equality Education Foundation.


See BSA's decision: http://www.bsa.govt.nz/decisions/show/3761


Back to Letter No. 1

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Peter Douglas Zohrab

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6 August 2017
