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The Fascist Scumbag Tamati Coffey

Peter Zohrab 2019

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According to Maori Television,

"An advertisement which has been described as 'casual racism' by a Labour MP has been removed from a public pool in Mangere. The advert features a fair-skinned girl telling a brown-skinned boy to make sure he visits the toilet before swimming. "

That Labour MP was Tamati Coffey.

If there were no balancing posters with a brown-skinned boy telling a fair-skinned girl to make sure she visits the toilet before swimming, then I fully agree and support Tamati Coffey's protest against this casual racism!

However, I do protest against Tamati Coffey's gross sexism. It is not just casual sexism, in his case, it is considered sexism from a member of the most Fascist government in New Zealand history! Its hatred towards men makes Adolf Hitler's hatred of Jews look positively wimpish! Tamati has had plenty of time to think about it. He deliberately decided to ignore the fact that that this was a case of sexism towards men.

The advert features a fair-skinned GIRL telling a brown-skinned BOY to make sure he visits the toilet before swimming. Why didn't the Poofascist, Tamati Coffey, criticise the advert for having a GIRL telling a BOY to make sure he visits the toilet before swimming?

The reason is that he is a slave of the Feminists and he obviously identifies more closely with women than with men.



False accusers





Peter Douglas Zohrab

Latest Update

26 January 2019
