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Women are Fruitcakes!

© Peter Zohrab 2006

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The Feminist-dominated media (in New Zealand, most journalists are female, and most females and males are Feminists) has long claimed that professional journalists can be trusted more than bloggers and other internet individuals, because journalists set and are held to higher standards. Consider this excerpt from an article (dressed up as an interview) about French Presidential candidate Segolene Royal:


"Has Royal faced much overt sexism?


But sexism is nothing new to to Royal, whose father didn't want his three daughters educated on the grounds that girls were destined for obedience and motherhood.


(by Linley Boniface, Dominion Post, November 25, 2006)


Journalist Linley Boniface, together with the subeditors and editor of the Dominion Post, obviously think that to respond to a patriarchal approach to female education with just one single, slangy, pejorative word meets the high journalistic standards which make their newspaper worth paying money for, and superior to what is available on the internet for free.

Apart from research on the human brain, the one thing that demonstrates that Segolene Royal's father was right about educating females is the way that women perform when they hold down jobs. The same mentality which allows Equal Employment Opportunities (EEO) and Affirmative Action programmes to exist continues to operate to shield women from the need to perform to male standards. Organised Feminist political activism is what got women employed over the heads of more able men, and organised Feminist political activism in the workplace continues to ensure that women are not forced to perform to the same standards as men. That is why "Fruitcake!" is considered competent journalism, when written by a woman.

Of course, not only are such women often incompetent -- they are also often biased against men. The same issue of the Dominion Post also ran an article about New Zealand Prime Minister Helen Clark: Ten things she'll be remembered for. The last of these ten things was Promoting women, including Dame Silvia Cartwright as governor-general, Sian Elias as chief justice and Margaret Wilson as attorney-general and (later) Speaker of the House of Representatives. The article also states that she had instructed officials to appoint more women to government boards. Obviously, if Helen Clark, who probably had her career boosted by EEO and/or Affirmative Action at one or more points, has had a policy of appointing women, this must have been at the expense of more competent men who would have been appointed if she hadn't had this policy. So, not only do we now have (by definition) second-rate people in those positions, but the more able (male) candidates have been discriminated against.

It is possible that women such as Dame Sian Elias would have got her position anyway in a free and fair competition with male candidates, but we will never know. Female judges have used their positions to bias the justice system against men by teaching other judges the Mickey-Mouse notion of "Gender Equity" through the Institute of Judicial Studies, where it was introduced in an undemocratic and unintellectual manner. Dame Silvia Cartwright, who had previously been, and is now again a judge, was so incompetent as governor-general that she did not even know her own job-description (see Former Prime Minister Endorses Criticism of Former Governor-General ). She also demonstrated apparent bias by celebrating with the victorious Feminists at the end of the inquiry into cervical cancer which she presided over. And Margaret Wilson has been accused of bias by opposition Members of Parliament.

The same issue of the Dominion Post quoted National Party MP Bill English as saying about his colleague Judith Collins:

"She has spent time cultivating the media 'and believing the resultant publicity.'"

Given the female and Feminist domination of the media, we have been encouraged to have a higher opinion of female politicians, including Judith Collins and Helen Clark, than they probably merit. In fact, we do not really have a functioning democracy, when most of the media are in effect Helen Clark supporters -- supporters of any women against any men. No one doubts that women outnumber men in the electorate, but it should not be numbers which decide who gets what jobs. It should be a matter of merit. In the long run, democracy cannot survive the presence in powerful positions of Linley Boniface and other such Feminist "Fruitcakes".




Peter Douglas Zohrab

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