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The Moronic Politicians of Three Countries Encourage Violence Against Men

Peter Zohrab 2025

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(Open Letter to the Leader of the Act Party)


Dear Mr. Seymour,


Since a member of your party is the Minister for the Prevention of Family and Sexual Violence, I am addressing this open letter to you. 

Brainwashed by their Feminist State Ideology, politicians of New Zealand, Australia and the United States are unable to see their hands in front of their faces!  They have evidence of female violence in front of their eyes, but they insist on seeing only the male violence which their Feminist State Ideology keeps banging on about.

  1. In the USA, former Speaker of the House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi dislikes violence against women, because she prefers violence against men.  She has stated, : "For a quarter century, the Violence Against Women Act has stood as a landmark achievement in the fight to eradicate the scourge of sexual assault and domestic violence. Every woman has the right to live free from fear, intimidation and violence, and over the last 25 years, this transformative, bipartisan legislation has delivered extraordinary progress to achieve this critical mission."  However, Pelosi herself, according to video footage reported in Vanity Fair, once wanted to sock Trump in the mouthThere is no Violence Against Men Act, so I suppose she would be allowed to do that to Trump, or any other man -- without penalty.  In addition, Hilary Clinton has been accused of assaulting Bill Clinton, when he was President.

  2. In Australia, the webpage https://www.bettinaarndt.com.au/winning-over-young-men/ published a photograph of a rally of women protesting violence against women.  However, as the photo showed, the women had pasted a sign saying "Kick me" onto the pants of Prime Minister Albanese, who was addressing the rally.  I suppose that, in the Australian Matriarchy, women are allowed to kick men with impunity.

  3. In New Zealand, we have a Ministry for the Prevention of Family and Sexual Violence, which was founded by the Lesbian former Green Party MP, Jan Logie, who is on record as implying that men have no Human Rights.  There is no sane reason to lump together family violence and sexual violence.  How about having a Minister for the Prevention of Shoplifting, Benefit Fraud and Worker Exploitation instead?  That would not please Green Party Members of Parliament, of course, because three former Green MPs or their spouses have admitted, or been accused of, involvement in such crimes.  The only reason Parliament would lump together family violence and sexual violence would be if they assumed that men are the perpetrators of both of these crimes and Parliament just wanted to attack men.  Female Green MP, Julie Anne Genter recently bullied a male MP in Parliament's debating chamber.  I bet no male MP has ever done anything similar to a female MP.  I note that the Crimes Act stipulates a higher penalty for an assault on a female than for an assault on a maleThis proves that Parliament hates men, encourages violence against men and does not believe in Gender Equality or Human Rights.  Members of Parliament prefer man-hating Feminist doctrine over the evidence of their own eyes.  The former Act MP, David Garrett, also testified in Parliament (Hansard, December 2008) about how his mother abused his father. In addition, since no one in Wellington knows anything about family violence or sexual violence -- apart from desiring to blame men for it -- they have absolutely no chance of preventing it.

Focussing on male violence against women -- for no rational reason whatsoever -- allows women to get away with violence against men, because men will not report it and the police and courts will tend not to take it seriously.  Even in India, women are allowed to get away with violence against men on live television -- as you can see from this video: https://www.facebook.com/peter.zohrab/posts/2382196748740294?notif_id=1588098898804307¬if_t=feedback_reaction_generic&ref=notif , where a woman slapped a man, and -- when he hit her back -- he was beaten up by a mob of men.


Family Violence

There is an annotated bibliography of family violence research at https://www.researchgate.net/publication/261543769_References_Examining_Assaults_by_Women_on_Their_Spouses_or_Male_Partners_An_Updated_Annotated_Bibliography , which:

describes 343 scholarly investigations (270 empirical studies and 73 reviews) demonstrating that women are as physically aggressive as men (or more) in their relationships with their spouses or opposite-sex partners. The aggregate sample size in the reviewed studies exceeds 440,850 people.

This bibliography includes New Zealand research. 


Sexual Violence

Although I am sure that the Minister for the Prevention of Family and Sexual Violence and her staff assume that all sexual violence is perpetrated by men, I refer you to the following academic articles:

  1. Krahé, Barbara, Scheinberger-Olwig, Renate, and Bieneck, Steffen: Men's Reports of Nonconsensual Sexual Interactions With Women: Prevalence and Impact, Archives of Sexual Behavior, Vol. 32, No 2, April 2003, pp 165-175.

  2. Krahé, Barbara, Waizenhöfer, Eva, and Möller, Ingrid: Women's Sexual Aggression Against Men: Prevalence and Predictors, Sex Roles, Vol. 49, Nos 5/6, September 2003.


I myself have several times been the victim of female sexual violence and other female violence.



Karen Chhour, the Minister for the Prevention of Family and Sexual Violence, appears to have the brain of an intellectually handicapped fruit-fly -- together with huge emotions (like most women).  She admits being emotional.  I have seen her on television wearing the sexist White Ribbon, which emphasises violence against women and ignores violence against men.  Lesbian Radio (Radio New Zealand) has stated that her Ministry will have a special section for men.  It is clear that your Government just wants to bash men.  New Zealand, Australia, the USA (and India) deserve politicians who have minds, and are capable of looking at facts. If females continue to impose their emotions and anxieties onto the objective facts, they should be sent back to the kitchen and denied the vote!




Someone has let women out of the kitchen -- and they have been telling lies ever since!




Peter Douglas Zohrab

Latest Update

13 January 2025
