Home > Issues > Female Violence

The Black Ribbon Campaign

Empowering Men:

fighting feminist lies


Issues: Female Violence

Summary Haiku:

Men have no rights,
but aren't less human.
We blame sexism.


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Abstracts relating to Lesbian Domestic Violence

Another Taxpayer-Funded Man-Hater

Australian Research on Domestic Violence


Censored Email to Radio New Zealand

Character of District Law Society Council members also at issue

Coming New Zealand Civil War

Court Falls for Old Philosophical Trick

Crusher Collins Crushes Another Man!

Domestic Violence Injuries

Fake Personal Safety Statistics

Female Academics' Power and Control over Male Academics

Female Violence and Domestic Violence Policy

Feminazi Conspiracy and Family Violence Homicides

Feminist Conspirators and Agents Provocateurs

Feminist Dog Whistling

Feminist Equality Means that Women Are Allowed to Assault Men

Feminist Matriarchy's Abuse of Men and Children


Feminist Sexism and Violence


Feminist Violence

Fiebert's Domestic Violence Bibliography (annotated)


French Media Condone Kidnapping in China

Hilary Clinton for White House Advisor on Violence Against Women!

"HOW CAN SHE SLAP?" Transcript: English Subtitles of Video of Several Men Assaulting One Man for Defending Himself Against a Female Aggressor on Indian Television

Human Rights in a Small Country

Incitement of Hatred Against Men by Women's Refuge

Incompetence of CEO of Ministry of Social Development

Inquiry into a Politically Motivated Conspiracy

Intellectually Incompetent Prime Minister Murders Australian Women.

Is There a Batterer in the US Senate?

Justice Minister Judith Collins is Incompetent (at best)!

Kiwi Males Beware: Somewhere Near You, Some Woman Is Having An Emotion!

Kiwi men should vote for New Zealand First in the 2017 General Election

Kiwi Mums Teach Girls to Stone Boys

Lesbian Domestic Violence

Lying Feminist Judge: Applying the Law AND some "Facts", or Applying the Law TO the Facts?


Lynda the Man-Hater

Maori Men are the Main Victims of the Feminist Divide-and-Rule Strategy

Matriarchy Awareness Test

Member of Parliament Testifies to Mother's Abuse of Father

Minister of Women's Police Covers Up Police Oppression of Men.

Minister, Stop Assaulting Me!

More Lies and Scams From University Lie-Factories

Nancy Pelosi Dislikes Violence Against Women, Because She Prefers Violence Against Men.

New Zealand Matriarchy

New Zealand Police v Peter Douglas Zohrab

New Zealand Research on Domestic Violence

Non-existence of Law and Journalism in New Zealand

Orgía de violencia femenina en teocracias feministas occidentales

Orgy of Female Violence in Western Feminist Theocracies

Physical Bullying, Racism, Sexism and Lies by Christchurch City Library Staff

Police See the Light on Family Violence

Power and Control Wheel

Scum-Police Deliberately Prosecute Innocent Man.

Sexist Incompetence in the Media

Sexist Stupidity of the Year 2003

Stalinist-Lesbian-Maori Medicines Policy Cons the People and Destroys Democracy and Human Rights.

State of the Male Nation

System is Rigged Against Donald Trump, because he is a Man!

Totalitarian Bullying by the Retailer, "The Warehouse Group "

Tranz Metro railway Discrimination and Cultural Lesbianism

Two Power-Shifting Left-Wing Lies

Violent Anti-Violence Women

Violent Kiwi Women

Why does the Prime Minister Support a Discriminatory Campaign?

Woman's False Allegation Straight from the Pig’s Mouth

Women and War

Women Who Initiate Domestic Violence



Peter Douglas Zohrab

Latest Update

18 June 2024
