Home > Issues > Sexual Abuse and Child Abuse

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Empowering Men:

fighting feminist lies


Issues: Sexual Abuse and Child Abuse

(NB In the USA, adult sex with minors seems to be called "statutory rape," but that is not the case in other English-speaking countries, as far as I am aware).

Summary Haiku:

Men have no rights,
but aren't less human.
We blame sexism.


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Accusations fausses et les mensonges au sujet de l'abus des enfants

Acusações falsas e a mentira do abuso das crianças

Caveat Amator: Strategies for Men Before, During and After False Allegations

Child Abuse & Sexual Abuse Resources

Child-Support, Abortion and the Family Court

Delincuentes sexuales femeninas

Dyke TV Up to its Compulsive Lying Again!

Falsas acusaciones y la mentira del abuso infantil

False Accusations and the Child-Abuse Lie

Foundation calls for Research into Causes of Suicide and Child Abuse.

Heroism, Child Abuse, Race and Statistics

Irrational Women and Child Discipline

Kiwi Mums Teach Girls to Stone Boys

Males Suffer Horrific Rate of Psychological Abuse.

Minister of Justice Acts Unfairly and in Secrecy.

Open Letter to Health and Disability Commissioner

Parental Discipline Bill

Penis Envy, Breast-Feeding, and Child Sexual Abuse

Repeated Scenario

Research on Stepfathers and Child Abuse and on Women's Sexual Violence

Sexual Abuse and Feminist Domination

Sexual Abuse by Women

Speaker Who Would Be King

Submission on preventing child abuse and improving children's health outcomes

Women Sexual Offenders





Peter Douglas Zohrab

Latest Update

15 April 2021
