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Playing Whack-a-Mole with the Left-Fascists in the Media

(slightly edited)

Peter Zohrab 2024

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The correspondence below follows on from this webpage: Radio New Zealand and Women's Refuge.



Letter from the Minister

Reply to the Minister


Letter from Broadcasting Minister 9.9.2024


I replied as follows:



(Open Letter to the Minister for Media and Communications)

Dear Mr Goldsmith,

Thank you for your emailed letter of 9 September 2024, which came out of the blue and was a pleasant surprise. I interpret it as an invitation to pursue a conversation about the issues.

However, there are various ways of interpreting what you actually meant. I will play it with a straight bat, as it were, and assume that you said what you meant and meant what you said.

1. There is a serious self-contradiction in the letter: On the one hand, you referred to the freedom of the media and the inability of governments to influence media content. However, on the other hand, you also referred to the right of the public to complain to the broadcaster, and then to the Broadcasting Standards Authority, in relation to alleged breaches of specified standards. However, it was the government of the day which passed the legislation that enables that process to take place, and your government is fully capable of amending or replacing that legislation.

2. I assure you that it is probably only a slight exaggeration to say that I first had dealings of this sort with the media and the Broadcasting Standards Authority before you were even born, so I write with a certain experience.

3. I found that my complaints about Feminist or pro-Maori bias that reached the Broadcasting Standards Authority were promptly dealt with (and overruled) by the Feminist or pro-Maori members of the Broadcasting Standards Authority, which made the whole process a farce.

4. There is a serious problem with the 20-day time limit within which the public must make their complaints about broadcasts. This turns the process into a Whack-a-Mole process, and ignores the fact that what is routinely involved is a whole culture of anti-male and anti-Non-White bias in the media (and education sector). See the relevant chapter in my book: "Indoctucation by the Media-University Complex" (13indoct.html).

5. Again, I have a huge amount of experience with media bias (fake news). See: ismedia.html

6. In my not-so-humble opinion, I suggest that the Broadcasting Act be rewritten to deal with the problem of the totalitarian arrogance of the media, which -- in effect -- set themselves up as an alternative, inevitably Leftist government, in opposition to, or in collaboration with, the elected government -- depending on whether that government is of the Right or of the Left.

6. What is needed is a mechanism to deal with persistent and consistent bias of particular sorts -- whether that bias is exerted by one single person, or a succession or network or culture of people (including management) in media organisations.

Yours sincerely,

Peter Zohrab


See also:



Someone has let women out of the kitchen -- and they have been telling lies ever since!




Peter Douglas Zohrab

Latest Update

20 September 2024
