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The Complexity of Family Violence

Peter Zohrab 2016

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(Open Letter to the Minister of Science and Innovation)


Dear Mr. Joyce,

Thank you for your letter dated 22 February 2016, which was a reply to my letter of 20 January 2016.

I respect your position that you are unable to list all the information which leads you to state that “Family violence is a complex issue”. However, given the power imbalance and resource imbalance between the Feminist family violence industry and people like myself, I continue to worry that you might be giving undue weight to distracters which are, at best, irrelevant and, at worst, misleading.

Accordingly, I would like to raise the issue of the definition of “Family Violence” or “Domestic Violence”, in case that is one issue which, by adding to the complexity, perhaps bogs down attempts to reach appropriate conclusions.

  1. I happen to have accessed the court transcript of the witness testimony in the case R v Jessica Lee Keefe, where the Feminist so-called “expert witness” for the defence, Alison Towns, in effect distinguished between two types of family violence, based on the research method that was used and the sex of the supposed victim. Since you have a degree in Zoology, I wonder what you would think of a scientist who distinguished between two different types of Amoeba, based on whether they were examined with a light microscope or an electron microscope!

  2. Of course, Alison Towns does not actually admit that she is distinguishing between two types of family violence, based on the research method that was used and the sex of the supposed victim. What she says is as follows:

    There's two forms really of violence in intimate relationships. One is called common couple violence and that's generally not referred to as domestic violence. That's the sort of push shove that can happen between people in a distressed relation -- in a relationship where there's distress. It doesn't produce fear and in the work on community samples and around, you know, big population community samples where there's no fear the violence is quite equivalent between men and women and that's what we would refer to as common couple violence. Domestic violence is where there's fear involved and in that situation the, the offending is more likely to be from a man against a woman.(Notes of Evidence, page 560, line 29)

    Towns does not explain her sudden introduction of the issue of fear into her testimony. Fear is a subjective emotion, not an objective phenomenon (although it does have physiological correlates). More importantly, fear is something that women tend to experience much more often and intensely than men do. That is the result of how women’s brains work, as compared to men’s brains (Hall, Geoffrey B. C.; Witelson, Sandra F.; Szechtman, Henry; Nahmias, Claude, "Sex differences in functional activation patterns revealed by increased emotion processing demands". Neuroreport: 9 February 2004 - Volume 15 - Issue 2 - pp 219-223). So focussing on fear, for no stated reason, is tantamount to focussing on female victims (which, of course, is what Feminist family violence researchers inevitably do). Methodologically speaking, you can most adequately research fear by interviewing victims, which (again) is what Feminist family violence researchers inevitably do. Female victims.

    So Towns is banning the use of the term “domestic violence” from objective studies of what men and women actually do to each other (which she admits is much the same) – calling it “common couple violence” – and arbitrarily reserving the term “domestic violence” for the findings of Feminist researchers who interview purported female victims and purported male perpetrators! Feminist researchers notoriously do not seek out male victims or female perpetrators, as a rule.

  3. The mass media, which are very much a part of the Feminist domestic violence industry, stimulate mass hysteria by publicizing cases where an estranged man kills his ex-partner and sometimes also his children. That tends to be classified as “domestic violence”, even though the couple is no longer living together, which is one reason NOT to classify it as domestic violence. However, the main reason not to classify it as domestic violence is that, since the couple is living apart and the mother may well have sole custody of the children, the father’s actions may well have been partly or wholly motivated by perceived injustices committed by the police and/or court psychologists and/or witnesses and/or court staff and/or judges. In effect, such violence by separated fathers might possibly be viewed as crypto-revolutionary acts against the Matriarchy which modern New Zealand is.

Yours sincerely,

Peter D. Zohrab


See also:




Peter Douglas Zohrab

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3 June 2022
