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The Maori Party's Racist Lack of Vision

Peter Zohrab 2023

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The Maori Party has no positive vision for the future, as you can see from this interview:

"'Not in a democracy': Maori Party co-leader Rawiri Waititi outlines his vision for a 'tiriti-centric Aotearoa' where the majority doesn't rule over Maori"


At 4 minutes and 45 seconds into the first interview, the interviewer asks:

"OK. And so, if a Maori Parliament -- if a Member of a Maori Parliament -- is selected, not elected, how are they going to be held accountable?  Are they just going to be held accountable to their own iwi or hapu?"

And Maori Party co-leader Rawiri Waititi replies:

"Well, that's exactly right, because that's how it's always been."


The main point here is not so much that his idea is a bad one.  The more important point is what arguments he puts forward to support this idea.  The only argument he produces is that that was the way Maori politics operated before Europeans arrived!

That is an intensely racist argument, because the Maori Party (as you can tell from its name) is an intensely racist party.  Whatever Maoris have always done is good, according to him.


In part, the Maori Party is taking this line because it is completely racist, and in part, it is taking this line because it is something that many Maori tribes and individuals might possibly be able to agree on.  Obviously, in the Maori Party's ideal world, once they have sent all Non-Maoris back to where their ancestors came from, the Maoris will no doubt start discussing, arguing and fighting about the details -- as they were doing before the Europeans arrived.  One undoubtable benefit of the arrival of European rule has been the establishment of relative peace between the tribes -- although the supposedly negative aspects of the European arrival get much more publicity!

It is important to point out the many negative aspects of pre-European Maori politics and society, such as frequent warfare, slavery, cannibalism and the apparent absence of what we might call "Human Rights."  We should also note that Christianity was also introduced by Europeans.  If the Maori Party's "vision" is limited to returning to the way Maori politics operated before Europeans arrived, it is advocating a return to frequent internal warfare, slavery, cannibalism, pre-Christian religion and the absence of what we might call "Human Rights" . 

My point is not that modern New Zealand is some sort of utopia -- my point is that political arguments are usually based on positive philosophical or political principles! But not in the case of the Maori Party.


See also:


Someone has let women out of the kitchen -- and they have been telling lies ever since!




Peter Douglas Zohrab

Latest Update

21 May 2023
