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Empowering Men:fighting feminist lies |
Submission to the Ministry of Women's Injustice on its Plans to Tighten the Screws on the Men it Hates(slightly edited)© Peter Zohrab 2008 |
The Ministry of Women's Injustice has applied the proven Domestic Violence propaganda strategy to the area of so-called "Sexual Violence." This propaganda strategy has the following components:
"I knew immediately why she would do it -- for the notoriety and the attention."
NB. I myself have been the victim of two similar instances of sexual assault by different women within a short time of each other. I complained to the Police, but they said they were too busy and that the events happened too long ago (even though it was only a couple of years ago and I had a witness to one of the incidents.) I have also been the victim of separate sexual assaults by three other women that I did not report to the Police. I have also been assaulted by women.
In my book, Sex, Lies & Feminism , I recount the following experience:
" A surprising thing happened to me while working on this book: While I was attending a course for teachers, several Feminists handed me the best disproof of their position on rape I could ever hope to find!1 In fact, this group (mainly women) is so determinedly Feminist (and left-wing, generally) that I almost had to pinch myself. Here's what happened.
One topic covered during the one-day course was Brain Sex, based on the book of the same name. After talking about a few of the differences between male and female psychology mentioned in that book, the Facilitator, addressing the women in the audience, said something like: "You know what it's like when you tell your husband not to buy you a present for your birthday - and he doesn't?"
There was a chorus of patronising agreement from the mainly-female audience. Men are just supposed to know they really do need to buy a gift. So I jumped at the opportunity to say, "That's just like rape. The woman says 'No,' and the man's wrong whatever happens."
There was a surprised, but almost unanimous retort of "No!" from this same audience. (I might have added that a man could end up in jail for making one choice in such situations, or lose his marriage if he makes the other choice.)
So, whether a woman says no and means yes in one situation, but says no and means no in another, men are just supposed to magically, telepathically intuit the correct meaning and act accordingly? Only those who benefit from the grant of such whimsy could say this makes sense.
This incident illustrates a number of points: One is that the Feminist insistence a woman always means "No" when she says "No" is a lie, as Camille Paglia, though she calls herself a Feminist, has noted."
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