Home > Issues > Feminazism

The Black Ribbon Campaign

Empowering Men:

fighting feminist lies



Summary Haiku:

Men have no rights,
but aren't less human.
We blame sexism.


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Abuse of Power and Intrusion into Privacy by New Zealand Broadcasters and by the New Zealand Parliament

Andrew Little Lies Like a Girl.

Anti-Male Discrimination in Human Rights Textbook

Ban the news company "Stuff!"

Coming New Zealand Civil War

Dykes Rule, OK: the disciplined Lesbian agencies of the New Zealand police and legal system

Equality before the Law

Fascism of the EU Parliament's President

Fascist Green-Party Lardball and the Bonobofication of the Human Species

Fascist phrase "Equality for Women" and the Paradox of the Axe

Feminazi Conspiracy and Family Violence Homicides


Feminazi term "appropriate"

Feminazi UN High Commissioner for Human Rights proves that Pinochet must have been a great man!

Incompetence, Predetermination, Freedom of Expression, Conflict of Interest and Equality Before the Law

Is The Only Good Journalist a Dead Journalist?  No!!

Kiwi men should vote for New Zealand First in the 2017 General Election

Media Sexism and Stupidity in Alliance with University Sexism and Stupidity

New Zealand, the Nazi Germany of the South Pacific

Physical Bullying, Racism, Sexism and Lies by Christchurch City Library Staff

Police State Rides Roughshod Over Human Rights.

Poodles, Paul Henry and Simon Dallow, Treat Men Like Mushrooms

Portland Call to Eliminate Destabilising Racist and Sexist Content by the Mainstream Media

Predetermination and Structural Discrimination Against Men

Racist and Sexist Predetermination in the Media

Return of the Inquisition to Spain

Royal Commission of Inquiry Into Media Bias

Rule of Law, Human Rights and Organisational Culture: The Minister of Justice's Inquiry into the Human Rights Commission

Sexist and Racist Wellington City Council

Submission on proposed legislation against the incitement of hatred/hostility

University Feminazism

Vice-President Biden Lies to Chinese Students

Why does the Prime Minister Support a Discriminatory Campaign?

Willful Defamation and Oppression of Men




Peter Douglas Zohrab

Latest Update

5 December 2023
