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Resources on Theoretical Issues in Masculism

Summary Haiku:

Men have no rights,
but aren't less human.
We blame sexism.


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Printed Resources and Videos


Virtual and Actual Organisations

ADHD a Fraud ?

Anthology on Women


Anti-Feminist Reflections


Canadian Perspective on Ch1ld Sexual Abuse Accusations in the Gender War

Classic Marriage: New rules for a new generation

Declaration of Langeac

Discrimination Against Men in the Social Assistance (Future Focus) Bill 2010

Domain of Patriarchy

Domäne Feminismuskritik

Droit à la Dissidence


An Examination and Exploration of -The Damaged Personality Disorder - The Self-Defined -"Victim"

Feminism defined

Féminisme - Masculisme

Gendercide Watch

International Men's Day

Istituto di studi sulla paternita,
Dott. Maurizio Quilici,
Via Giovanni Ansaldo 9,
00154 Roma
tel. 06/5139144


Ladies Against Feminism

Male Studies: A New Academic Discipline

Masculist Resistance manifesto

Men's Movements & Men's Studies

Men's Movie Guide

Men's Tribune

Meta Link Centre: Critiques Of Feminism

Misandry Today

NiceGuy's Women (mostly) Suck Page

Parenting Plans

Premier congrès international Paroles d'hommes blancs
(Cliquez sur <<Nouveautés>>. Click on "Nouveautés".)

Rich Zubaty's Website

Screw Political Correctness

Sexism Busters

Single Fathers Research Project,
2901 Jefferson Drive, Greenville, NC 27834,

Submission to the New Zealand Law Commission on the Court System


Universal Declaration of the Rights of Men

Useful Links

Printed Resources and Videos

Aberhethy, Michael (2003):
"Male Bashing on TV"

Adams, Mike S. (2006):
Why I don’t take feminists seriously
Jan 23, 2006

Adams, Steven
"Women First, Men Last: Feminism's War On Men and Its Devastating Effects"

Addison, Rob (2007).
"Balls in Their Court?: Erecting the Men's Movement."
Wellington, New Zealand. Salient student newspaper, 6 August 2007.

Alexander, Rachel (2003):
"The Problem With Today’s Feminism", American Daily.

Allemano, Peter (2012):
"The Bold, Independent Woman of Today and the "Good" Men and Boys in Her Life: A Sampling of Mainstream Media Representation." New Male Studies Journal, Vol. 1, Issue 1, 2012.

Allen, H. (1987).
Rendering them harmless: the professional portrayal of women charged with serious violent crimes. In Carlen, P. and Worrall, A. (eds.). Gender, Crime and Justice, Philadelphia: Open University.

ÁlvarezDíez, Javier
Cronicas del Absurdistan

Amendt, Gerhard (2013):
"Sexism: The New Prudery?"
New Male Studies Journal, Vol. 2, Issue 2, 2013.

Amendt, Gerhard (2017):
"Envy and Malevolence: The Shaky Foundation of Gender Studies"
New Male Studies Journal, Vol. 6, Issue 1, 2017, pp 1-11.

Amendt, Gerhard (2017):
"Biology and Ritual Outrage: The Future of Gender Relations"
New Male Studies Journal Vol 6 No 2 (2017)

Amit (2013):
Misandry in India

Amneus, Daniel (1990):
"The Garbage Generation:
the Consequences of the Destruction of the Two-Parent Family
and the Need to Stabilize it by Strengthening its Weakest Link, the Father's Role." Alhambra, CA: Primrose Press.

Angelucci, Marc (2001):
Males Get Longer Sentences Than Females For Same Crime
Los Angeles Daily Journal, August 1st, 2001.

A.N. Onymous (2006):
A Non-Feminist Woman Speaks Out.

Airaksinen, Toni (2018):
STUDY: Feminists more willing to ‘sacrifice’ men

Anderson, John (2022): Conversations: With Bettina Arndt - Writer, Educator and Men's Activist

Archer, John (2004):
"The Trouble with 'Doing Boy'"

Arndt, Bettina (1995):
"Taking Sides"
Random House
ISBN 0091830583

Arndt, Bettina (2017):
"The Politics of Cleavage"

Arndt, Bettina (2018):

Arndt, Bettina (2019):
Jordan Peterson & Bad Women

Arndt, Bettina (2021):
The Great Feminist Reset

Arndt, Bettina (2022):
Is this 2022 or 1984?

Arndt, Bettina (2022):
Conversations: With Bettina Arndt - Writer, Educator and Men's Activist
John Anderson: Conversations

Arndt, Bettina (2023):
"Feminism Was Never About Equality: The true history of a movement dominated by male-hating zealots."

Ashfield, John A. (2012):
"Towards an Integrated Perspective on Gender, Masculinity and Manhood." New Male Studies Journal, Vol. 1, Issue 1, 2012.

Associated Press (2005):
"Summers sparks uproar at conference with comments about women."
Monday, January 17, 2005.

Associated Press (2009):
United Nations Discovers Most Human Traffic Perpetrators are Women
Thursday, February 12, 2009

Babylonbee (2018):
Woman To Shelve Belief That Gender Is Social Construct For Few Minutes While Boyfriend Changes Flat Tire On Side Of Road
Babylonbee, February 6th, 2018

Badinter, Élisabeth (2003):
"Fausse route", éd. Odile-Jacob, 2003

Baghurst, Timothy (2012):
Muscle Dysmorphia and Male Body Image: A Personal Account
New Male Studies, Vol 1, No 3 (2012).

Baron-Cohen, Simon (2003):
"The Essential Difference: Male and Female Brains and the Truth About Autism." New York: Basic Books.

Barry, John (2016):
Mud Huts, Haircuts and High School Dropouts

Baskerville, Stephen (2020):
Harper's Letter: Is This a 'Decent Left'?

Baskerville, Stephen (2021):
A Gentleman’s Guide to Manners, Sex, and Ruling the World
How to Survive as a Man in the Age of Misandry– and Do So with Grace


Baskerville, Stephen (2022):
A gentleman’s guide to sex, etc.: a modern advice book for men
New Male Studies Journal, Vol 11 No 1 (2022)

Baumeister, Roy F. (2010):
"Is There Anything Good About Men? How cultures flourish by exploiting men."
Oxford University Press

Bax, E. Belfort (1908):
The Legal Subjection of Men

Bax, E. Belfort (1913):
The Fraud of Feminism. London:G.Richards.

BBC News (2001):
"Women have more brain cells"
(but only per cubic centimetre in one area of their smaller brains -- not in toto. Misleading Feminist Propaganda headline of the Year 2001 !)

BBC News (2014):
Men and women's brains are 'wired differently'

Bédard, Daphné (2006):
"Mères à la maison: les nouvelles superwomen". Le Soleil

Benatar, David (2012):
"The Second Sexism: Discrimination Against Men and Boys",
Malden, MA: Wiley, & London,UK: Wiley-Blackwell; 2012
ISBN: 978-0-470-67451-2.

Birks, Stuart and Buurman, Gary (2000):
"Research for Policy: Informing or Misleading ?" Issues Paper No. 7, Centre for Public Policy Evaluation, Massey Univesity, New Zealand.

Black, Joanne (2004):
"Girls Can Do Anything." Wellington, New Zealand, Dominion Post 24 May 2004.

Black, Joanne (2009):
"Finally, the truth." New Zealand, Listener, August 15 2009.

Blais, Melissa & Francis Dupuis-Déri (2012):
"Masculinism and the Antifeminist Countermovement"
(2012) 11:1 Social Movement Studies 21

Blake, Mariah (2014):
The Men's Rights Movement and the Women Who Love It

Bork, Robert (1990):
The Tempting of America: The Political Seduction of the Law. New York:Simon and Schuster.

Bork, Robert (1996):
Slouching Towards Gomorrah: Modern Liberalism and American Decline. Regan Books/HarperCollins NY.

Bottom, Todd, Dennis Gouws, Miles Groth (2014):
"The Influence of Academia on Men And Our Understanding of Them" New Male Studies Journal Vol.3 No.2 2014

Boyce, J.W. (1994):
Manufacturing Concern: Worthy and Unworthy Victims: Headline Coverage of Male and Female Victims of Violence in Canadian Daily Newspapers, 1989 to 1992.

MS (Thesis).

Boyce, J.W. (1995):
"Manufacturing Concern"
Balance magazine http://www.agt.net/public/dolphin/ (Spring 1995).

Bradford, R.A.W. (2020):
"The Language of Deceit, Division and Dominance"
New Male Studies Journal, Volume 9, Issue 2, 2020.

Brentnall, Mike(2008):
Equality in a Presidential Campaign

Bribiescas, Richard G. (2006):
"Men: Evolutionary and Life History "
Cambridge: Harvard University Press.

Brooks, François
Féminisme - Masculisme

Brown-Haysom, Ryan (2006):
"The Somewhat-Exaggerated Death of Feminism", Otago University Students' Association: Critic, 2006-08-04

Bryder, Linda (2009):
"A History of the 'Unfortunate Experiment' at National Women's Hospital."
Auckland, New Zealand: Auckland University Press.

Buchanan, Mike (2010):
David and Goliatha: David Cameron – heir to Harman?

Buchanan, Mike (2011):
The Glass Ceiling Delusion: the real reasons more women don’t reach senior positions

Buchanan, Mike (2012):
"Feminism: The Ugly Truth"

Buchanan, Mike:
Justice for Men and Boys (Blog)

Bureau of Justice Statistics:
Sourcebook of Criminal Justice Statistics

Butler P.
"Number of rough sleepers in England rises for sixth successive year."
In: the Guardian [Internet]. 25 Jan 2017 [cited 5 Mar 2018].
Available: http://www.theguardian.com/society/2017/jan/25/number-of-rough-sleepers-in-england-rises-for-sixth-successive-year

Cassina, Gérard ( 2005):
Democracy and Feminism

Chalmers, Anna (2003):
"Men's Movement makes a stand for government voice"
New Zealand, Sunday Star Times, 7 September 2003.

Chinweizu (1990):
"Anatomy of Female Power: A Masculinist Dissection of Matriarchy"
Pero Press
Sundoor, BCM Box 4658, London WC1N 3XX, England.

Christensen, Bryce J. and Nicole M. King (2013):
"New Research," The Family in America, Winter 2013, Vol. 27 Number 1.

Cloutier, Richard (2006):
"Les Vulnérabilités Masculines -- une Approche Biopsychosociale"
ISBN - 2-922770-97-4 Quebec, Canada: Éditions de l’Hôpital Ste-Justine.

Coalition pour la défense des droits des hommes du Québec (2005):
"Comment le système policier et judiciaire viole systématiquement les droits civiques des hommes en situation de rupture conjugale et que faire ?."

Colaizii, Antoinette, Williams, Kim J., and Kayson, Wesley A. (1984):
"When will people help? The Effects of gender, urgency, and location on altruism."

Collard, Nathalie (2005):
"Un 8 mars pour les hommes?". La Presse, Le samedi 05 mars 2005.

Collins, William (2019):
"The Empathy Gap: Male Disadvantages and the Mechanisms of Their Neglect"

Corry, Dr. Charles E. (2002):
"Common Characteristics of Dangerous Women"

Corry, Dr. Charles E. (2002):
"Desirable female characteristics"

Corry, Dr. Charles E. (2002):
"Gathering Statistics"

Corry, Dr. Charles E. (2002):
Words Not War

Corry, Dr. Charles E. (2018):
Radical Feminism — Flotsam and Jetsam From the Past 50 Years

Daily Mail (2007):
How feminists tried to destroy the family Last updated at 23:19pm on 22nd January 2007

Dallaire, Yvon (2001):
"Homme et fier de l'être". Quebec, Canada: Options Santé.

Daly, K. & R. Bordt. (1995):
"Sex Effects & Sentencing." Justice Quarterly 12:143-77.

Davis, Mila (2018):
"What’s the problem with men supporting Jordan Peterson?"

Dayer, Ariane (2007):
"Goetelen, John: l'hoministe qui réécrit 'Cendrillon'" Le Matin 14.1.2007.

Deichmohle, Jan (1997):
"Neue Beweise gegen feministische Ideologie: Zensiert: Ideologiekritik am Feminismus. Meinungsfreiheit statt Zensur.", 1997, ISBN 3-00-002134-5, ISBN 3-00-002136-1

Deichmohle, Jan:
Collected Works (Books)

Deichmohle, Jan (1998):
"Wurzeln des Feminismus widerlegt: Les deux Sexes - Die beiden Geschlechter. Beweise gegen feministische Ideologie von Beauvoir bis heute.", 1998, ISBN 3-00-003198-7

Deichmohle, Jan (2014):
"Nein! Ablehnung und Abwimmlung durch weibliche Wahlmacht", Band 1 von "Die Wahlmacht der Frau", Kindle Edition 2014, ASIN B00KDO87P8

Deichmohle, Jan (2014):
"Anmache. Vom Abwimmeln und Anmachen", Kindle Edition 2014, ASIN B00KDOGBKQ, Band 2 von "Die Wahlmacht der Frau"

Deichmohle, Jan (2014):
"Beziehungsentzug," Band 3 von "Die Wahlmacht der Frau", Kindle Edition Amazon, Neuauflage 2014, ASIN B00KDRRQIY

Deichmohle, Jan (2014):
"Kultur und Geschlecht: Feminismus: grosser Irrtum -- schwere Folgen".
("Die beiden Geschlechter - Band 1: "Kultur und Geschlecht"). ISBN 3-95870-118-3  Email: deichmohle@hotmail.com

Deichmohle, Jan (2015):
"Ideologiekritik am Feminismus. Krieg gegen Mann, Natur und Kultur", Band 2 von "Die beiden Geschlechter," Amazon Kindle Edition 2015, ASIN B00VB2LKJQ

Deichmohle, Jan (2015):
"Die Genderung der Welt. Wie Feminismus weltweit Kulturen kaputtmacht", Band 3 von "Die beiden Geschlechter", AAVAA Verlag 2015, ISBN 978-3-8459-1715-3

Deichmohle, Jan (2015):
Female Choice and Feminism

Deichmohle, Jan (2016):
"Die Unterdrückung der Männer", Band 5 von "Die beiden Geschlechter", Juwelen Verlag, ISBN 978-3-945822-63-0

DeLeo et al (2013):
"Contacts with Health Professionals Before Suicide: Missed Opportunities for Prevention." Comprehensive Psychiatry, 54(7), 1117-1123, doi: 10.1016/j.comppsych.2013.05.007.

Denholm, Andrew (2005):
"Men cleverer than women, say scientists."

Denoncourt, Frédéric (2005):
Les sexes forts
19 mai 2005.

Deslauriers, Jean-Martin , Luc Lacroix et Louis La Grenade (2004):
"La condition masculine et la formation universitaire de base en travail social: une innovation à l'UQAH"

"Dieneke" (2012):
'Shortage of female math geniuses not due to "stereotype threat"'
January 19, 2012

Dixson, Alan F. (2009):
"Sexual Selection and the Origins of Human Mating Systems," OUP.

d'Orban, P.T. (1979).
Women who kill their children. British Journal of Psychiatry 134, 560-571.

Doyle, R.F. (1992):
The Men's Manifesto: A Commonsense Approach to Gender Issues and Politics. The Men's Movement Examined. IV Edition.
Forest Lake, Michigan: Poor Richard's Press.

D'Souza, Dinesh (1991):
Illiberal Education: The Politics of Race and Sex on Campus. New York: Free Press.

Durden-Smith, Jo and DeSimone, Diane (1983):
Sex and the Brain. New York:Arbor House.

E., Peter (2018?):
A UK view on the state of play

Economist (2013):
"Vive la Différence!"

Edip Rei (2007):
Letter from Spain

Elam, Paul (2009):
"New Academic Discipline To Take Shape at Staten Island’s Wagner College."
Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Elam, Paul (2013):
The X%: What feminism is really about and why anyone who values freedom should fight against it

Elder George (2009):
Ignorance When Empowered Becomes Evil
Thursday, October 15, 2009

Elder George (2010):
An Era Drawing to a Close

Elder George (2011):
A gender Handbook for Western Man

Ellis, Frank (2004):
"Political Correctness and the Theoretical Struggle -- from Lenin and Mao to Marcuse and Foucault."
Auckland, New Zealand:Maxim Institute.

Esolen, Anthony (2022):
“No Apologies: why civilization depends on the strength of men”
Regnery Gateway, 2022

Farrell, Warren (1993):
The Myth of Male Power: Why Men are the Disposable Sex. New York:Simon and Schuster.

Farrell, Warren (2001):
"Women Can't Hear What Men Don't Say" Finch Publishing.

Farrell, Warren (2012):
The Myth of Male Power: Why Men Are the Disposable Sex (Part One)
(In Interview-Format) Vol 1, No 2 (2012)

Farrell, Warren (2012):
The Myth of Male Power: Why Men Are the Disposable Sex (Part Two)
(In Interview-Format) Vol 1, No 3 (2012)

Farrell, Warren (2019):
'Boy crisis' threatens America's future with economic, health and suicide risks

Fiamengo, Janice (2018):
Sons of Feminism: Men Have Their Say
2nd ed., Ottawa: Little Nightingale Press, 2018.

Fiamengo, Janice (2018):
Being Male in a Feminist Culture.
New Male Studies Journal, Vol 7 No 1 (2018), pp 25-38.

Fiamengo, Janice (2021):
The Near-Irresistible Lure of Damseling

Fiamengo, Janice (2021):
"Is there anything good in the men's movement? A masculinity expert maligns the manosphere."
New Male Studies Journal Vol 10, Issue 2, 2021

Fidelbogen (2018):
Protocols of Engagement for all Feminists

Francis, Babette (1997):
"Feminist Legal Theory"
The Journal of the Australian Family Association - Sunday, 28th September 1997

Franklin, Robert (2009):
Canadian Prof. Introduces Students to Certain Truths about Men and Society
October 17th, 2009

Franklin, Robert (2010):
"Study: Marriage Good For Mental Health of Both Husband and Wife."
January 17th, 2010

Franklin, Robert (2013):
Economist: Single Motherhood Helps Explain Decline of Men in Education, Employment
April 1st, 2013

Franklin, Robert (2020):
Men's E-News, 23 January 2020

Franklin, Robert (2020):
A Pithy Question: Why Ignore Men's Inequality?
Men's E-News, 03 February 2020

Franklin, Robert (2020):
Why Is Feminism So Successful? Traditional Sex Roles
Men's E-News, 16 March 2020

Gabard, Jean (2023):
« Le néo-féminisme contre la famille »
https://leseditionsdeparis.com (dans essais et documents)

Gazette des Femmes (2005):
"Dans la fosse aux lionnes."
Gazette des Femmes Nov-Déc 2005.

Geary, David C. (2014):
"Evolved sex Differences in Modern context"
New Male Studies Journal Vol.3 No.2 2014

Geary, David C. and Gijsbert Stoet (2021):
The World Economic Forum and the Misleading Politics of Gender Equality
Quillette, 06 August 2021

Gelles, R. J. (1994).
"Research and advocacy: Can one wear two hats?"
Family Process, 33, 93-95.

Gilder, George (1973):
"Sexual Suicide."
New York:Quadrangle Books.

Gilder, George (1974):
"Naked Nomads: Unmarried Men in America".
New York: Quadrangle/The New York Times Book Co.

Gilder, George (1981):
"Wealth and Poverty".
New York: Basic Books, Inc.

Gilder, George (1986):
"Men and Marriage."
Gretna, Louisiana: Pelican Publishing Co.

Glover, Kyle (2020):
"Being male."
New Male Studies Journal, Volume 9, Issue 2.

Gnanalingham, Brannavan (2006):
"Peter Zohrab/A Man's World".
New Zealand: Victoria Univesity of Wellington Student's Association: Salient, March 27, 2006.

Goetelen, John (2006):
"La femme est-elle vraiment l'avenir de l'homme"

Goetelen, John (2012):
Féminista: ras-le-bol!

Goldberg, Herb (2014):
Earth Mother Is Dead

Goldberg, Jonah (2002):
"Why Feminists Aren't Funny." National Review Online, June 12, 2002.

Goldich, Tim (2021):
"Does Masculinity Need 'Redefining'?"
New Male Studies Journal, Vol 10 No 1 (2021), pp. 56-61.

Goldich, Tim  (2021) :
"Equalism in gender politics: Liberals vs. Conservatives."
New Male Studies Journal Vol 10, Issue 2, 2021

Goldich, Tim  (2022) :
The glass floor and the glass wall
New Male Studies Journal, Vol 11 No 1 (2022)

Goldich, Tim  (2022) :
A reminder of what gender equalism is all about
New Male Studies Journal, Volume 11, Issue 2, 2022.

Gouws, Dennis (2012):
"Manliness, Gentlemanliness and the Manhood Question in George Eliot's Adam Bede." New Male Studies Journal, Vol. 1, Issue 1, 2012.

Goy, R.W. and McEwen, B. (1980):
Sexual Differentiation of the Brain. Cambridge:MIT Press.

Gregory, Jason (2014):
"Foundations for a Pro-Male Ethics" New Male Studies Journal Vol.3 No.2 2014

Groth, Miles (2012):
"Meeting Men: Intimacy and College Men Centers."
New Male Studies Journal, Vol. 1, Issue 1, 2012.

Groth, Miles (2014):
"An Angry Non-white Man? Research and Rhetoric in Michael’s Kimmel’s Angry White Men" New Male Studies Journal, Vol. 3, No. 2, 2014

Groth, Miles (2016):
Sex Differences Explained. From DNA to Society: Purging Gene Copy Errors

Groth, Miles (2019):
The three enemigos: Destructive myths about males
New Male Studies Journal, Volume 8, Issue 2, 2019

Guillot, Patrick :
La Cause des hommes

Hamill, Jasper (2019):
Men are more disadvantaged than women in the UK, US and most of Europe, scientists claim
Metro, 4 Jan 2019

Harbinger Press:
Books that Challenge Convention

Harvey, L., Burnham, R.W., Kendall, K., and Pease, K. (1992).
Gender differences in criminal justice: An international comparison. British Journal of Criminology, 32, (2), 208-217.

Hasanagas, Nikolaos D. (2009):
"Erotic relation as power game: An essay on 'Existential Imperialism'”

Heidensohn, F. (1994).
Gender and crime. In Maguire, M., Morgan, R., and Reiner, R. The Oxford Handbook of Criminology. Oxford: Clarendon Press.

Hill, Ben et al. (2019):
Men's rights activist unleashes on Married at First Sight's Ines for her 'disgusting' behaviour towards Bronson - and says Mel Schilling was wrong to 'berate' him for calling her a 'c***'
Daily Mail Australia, 13 February 2019

Hilton, James (2000(?)):
"Presumed Guilty: the invisible war against the working class male." Tallhassee, Florida:Independence House Press.
P.O. Box 12304, Tallhassee, Florida 32317, USA.
P.O. Box 111, Pacific Fair 4218, Australia.
Email: jimhilton911@wmconnect.com

Holloway, Jibriel (2018):
Why Are We Afraid To Support Male Victims?
Phenomenalact.com, June 7, 2018

Hughes, Robert (1993):
Culture of Complaint: The Fraying of America.
Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Ibekwe, Chinweizu (1990):
"Anatomy of Female Power: A Masculinist Dissection of Matriarchy"
Pero Press
Sundoor, BCM Box 4658, London WC1N 3XX, England.

Ingalhalikar, Madhura, Alex Smith, Drew Parker, Theodore D. Satterthwaite, Mark A. Elliott, Kosha Ruparel, Hakon Hakonarson, Raquel E. Gur, Ruben C. Gur, and Ragini Verma (2013):
Sex differences in the structural connectome of the human brain
PNAS 2014 111 (2) 823-828;

Inwood, Kirby:
"Kirby Inwood's position on Men's and Fathers' Rights"

Jagannathan, Meera (2018):
Even judges aren’t immune to gender bias, a new study shows

Jarosek, Stephen (2015):
"Tyrants of Matriarchy: Debuking Feminism and the Myth of Patriarchal Oppression"
Lulu Enterprises (Inc.).

Jeffries S, Fletcher GJO, Newbold G. (2003).
Pathways to sex-based differentiation in criminal court sentencing
Criminology 41 (2): 329-353 May 2003

Jensen, Lorenzo (2018):
34 Men Discuss Society’s Insane Double Standards That Favor Women And Hurt Men

Johnstone, Rachel Lorna (2006):
"Feminist influences on the United Nations human rights treaty bodies." 28 Hum. Rts. Q. 148-185 (2006).

Jolivet, Kenneth T.
Society Kills Men: Feminism Loses When Half Are Held Back

Jussim, Lee (2017):
Gender Bias in Science? Double standards and cherry-picking in claims about gender bias.

Kammer, Jack (2002):
"If Men Have All the Power, How Come Women Make the Rules ?" Second Edition

Kay, Barbara (2014):
Men: We need their strength, but ignore their pain

Kay, Barbara (2020)
Barbara Kay: According to data, it's the males of our society who are in crisis
National Post, January 8, 2020

Kenedy, Robert A. (2012):
"Moral Panic: Male Studies and the Spectre of Denial." New Male Studies Journal, Vol. 1, Issue 1, 2012.

Kimura, Doreen (1999):
"Sex and Cognition"
MIT Press.
ISBN 0262112361.

Knouten, John (2000):
"The Masculist Resistance Manifesto"

Koch, Stephen (2013):
"'The Guilty Sex' Revisited, or The Silence of the Whams." New Male Studies Journal, Vol.2 No. 3, 2013.

Kosberg, Jordan I. (2002):
"Heterosexual Males: A Group Forgotten by the Profession of Social Work." To appear in Journal of Sociology and Social Welfare.

Kumar, Anant (2018):
A Demand for a National Commission for Men in India: A Rationale and its Possible Consequencs
New Male Studies Journal, Vol 7, Issue 1, 2018, Pp. 76–80

Laino, Charlene (2009):
Men, Women React Differently to Danger: MRI Scans Reveal Different Responses to Negative Stimuli
WebMD Health News

Le, Dan (2020):
The experiences and needs of displaced refugee men: a review of the literature.
New Male Studies Journal, Vol 9 No 2 (2020)

Leggett, Colin (2018):
Michael Moore Tries To Prove Women Are Better Than Men, Gets Brilliantly Shut Down By A Woman

Lewis, Paul (2007):
Woman jailed for nine years over harassment The Guardian, Saturday January 20, 2007

Lloyd, Margaret (1990):
Gender Factors in Reviewer Recommendations for Manuscript Publication
Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis No. 4 (Winter 1990), 23, 539-543

Lloyd, Peter (2015):
Meet the feminist who is sticking up for men
The Telegraph, 03 June 2015

Logan, Luigi (2020):
Radical Feminism and Political Dimorphism
A Voice For Men, May 14, 2020

Logan, Luigi (2020):
The Basic Mission: Be an Iconoclast
A Voice For Men, May 21, 2020

Logan, Luigi (2020):
The Counter-Feminist Essays

Lonardo, Paul (2009):
"Strike IX: The Story of a Big East College Forced to Eliminate Its Baseball Program and the Team that Refused to Lose", Concord: Infinity Publishing.

Lutter, Mark and Martin Schröder (2014):
Who Becomes a Tenured Professor, and Why? Panel Data Evidence from German Sociology, 1980–2013
MPIfG Discussion Paper 14/19

Lynch, Jenna (2016):
ACT Party asks, why no 'Minister for Men'?

Lyndon, Neil (1992):
No More Sex War: The Failures of Feminism. London:Sinclair-Stevenson.

Lyndon, Neil (2013):
"The Family Union."

Lyndon, Neil (2015):
"Classes of Evil: How the Totalitarianisms of Marxist Thought Gave Birth to Modern Feminism"
New Male Studies Journal, Vol 4, No 1 (2015)

MacDonald, Heather (2018):
Gender Is a Construct—Except When It’s Not: For academic feminists, male and female biology is either interchangeable or immutable, depending on what complaint they need to lodge.

Macdonald, Neil, 2017.
"The budget's gender-based analysis forgot to look at one thing — men: Men are falling behind in education and losing their jobs in the resource and manufacturing sectors" CBC News website, March 28

MacRae, Blair (2004):
"Operation: Gender War"

Mahalik et al (2012):
"Developing a Taxonomy of Helpful and Harmful Practices for Clinical Work with Boys and Men." Journal of Counseling Psychology, 59(4), 591-603, doi: 10.1037/a0030130.

Makow, Henry (2003):
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The Media University Complex and the Constitution

Zohrab, Peter (2003):
The Paradox of Secularism, or: The Opposite is Usually The Case

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Universities Pass off Left-Wing Prejudice as Intelligent Thought

Zohrab, Peter (2003):
Discrimination is always Negative.

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Media University Complex and the Constitution

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Penis Envy, Breast-Feeding, and Ch1ld Sexual Abuse

Zohrab, Peter (2003):
A Competent Feminist Lawyer is a Contradiction in Terms

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Feminist Reasoning

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Is it a “Reasonable Man” or a “Reasonable Person” ?

Zohrab, Peter Douglas (2003):
The Paradox of Secularism, or the Opposite is Usually the Case

Zohrab, Peter Douglas (2004):
Oppressed Men and Self-Hatred

Zohrab, Peter (2004):
Al Qaeda and the MUC-Induced Psychopathology of the West

Zohrab, Peter Douglas (2004):
Feminist Jurisprudence Proves that a Woman's Place is in the Home

Zohrab, Peter Douglas (2004):
Feminist Research is Oppression

Zohrab, Peter Douglas (2004):
Oppressed Men and Self-Hatred

Zohrab, Peter (2004-2005):
Communication to the Human Rights Committee, Geneva, about the Institute of Judicial Studies

Zohrab, Peter Douglas (2005):
The Battle for Hearts and Minds

Zohrab, Peter Douglas (2005):
Men Flee Femidyke New Zealand

Zohrab, Peter (2005):
David Lange found his LLB unchallenging.(Stupidity is a Sex-War Issue (3))

Zohrab, Peter Douglas (2005):
Stupidity is a Sex-War Issue (1)

Zohrab, Peter Douglas (2005):
Stupidity is a Sex-War Issue (2)

Zohrab, Peter Douglas (2005):
Stupidity is a Sex-War Issue (3) (David Lange found his LLB unchallenging.)

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Gender Equity and Efstratiou v Glantschnig

Zohrab, Peter Douglas (2005):
Open Letter to Saudi Arabia

Zohrab, Peter Douglas (2005):
Feminism is a Form of Chivalry.

Zohrab, Peter Douglas (2005):
Techniques Feminists Use to Rule the World -- 1. Hypocrisy

Zohrab, Peter Douglas (2005):
Feminism is about Equality. Yeah right.

Zohrab, Peter Douglas (2005):
The Political Theory of Agendaism

Zohrab, Peter Douglas (2005):
The Battle for Hearts and Minds

Zohrab, Peter Douglas (2005):
Men Flee Femidyke New Zealand

Zohrab, Peter Douglas (2005):
Prostitution and Political Correctness

Zohrab, Peter Douglas (2005):
The Runt-Dyke Nexus

Zohrab, Peter Douglas (2005):
The Political Theory of Agendaism

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Zohrab, Peter (2006):
State religion is feminism
Wellington, New Zealand: Dominion Post, 22 May 2006

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Conflict of Interest and the Family Court (also in the New Zealand Law Journal August 2006, p. 243).

Zohrab, Peter Douglas (2006):
If women could tell the difference between fact and fiction, and if men could tell the difference between their brains and their testicles, there would be no such thing as Feminism.

Zohrab, Peter Douglas (2006):
Defining Feminism.

Zohrab, Peter Douglas (2006):
The Real Parliamentary Parties

Zohrab, Peter Douglas (2006):
A Revisionist History of Feminism

Zohrab, Peter Douglas (2006):
The Genetics of Feminist Cavemen

Zohrab, Peter Douglas (2006):
Women's Brains and the Feminist "Research" Scam

Zohrab, Peter Douglas (2006):
Democracy Frightens the Left

Zohrab, Peter Douglas (2006):
Democracy Frightens the Left

Zohrab, Peter (2007):
The Psychodynamics of the Sex War

Zohrab, Peter (2007):
Feminist Dumbism in Cherry (1995)

Zohrab, Peter (2007):
Feminists Can't Think, but They Can Bully.

Zohrab, Peter (2007):
The Invalidity of the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-III

Zohrab, Peter (2007):
The Dykeocracy

Zohrab, Peter (2007):
Review of Eve's Bite, by Ian Wishart

Zohrab, Peter (2008):
The Insanity of Uncle Tom Groves

Zohrab, Peter (2008):
Western Lesbian Feminist Neocolonialism

Zohrab, Peter D. (2008):
The United Nations Development Program Director and Bias against Men

Zohrab, Peter (2008-9):
The Move to Female Subjectivity as the Standard for Law and Policy

Zohrab, Peter Douglas (2012):
Strategic Thinking and the Road Ahead

Zohrab, Peter Douglas (2014):
Gavin's Conservative Ideology, extracted from under the Jackboots of Feminist Academics

Zohrab, Peter Douglas (2015):
Bread and Circuses

Zohrab, Peter Douglas (2016):
Andrology and Discrimination Against Men

Zohrab, Peter Douglas (2016):
Feminism is the Real Mammoth.

Zohrab, Peter Douglas (2017):
Pretence and Reality in the Ministry for Women

Zohrab, Peter Douglas (2017):
The Interests of Men

Zohrab, Peter Douglas (2017):
The Bonobofication of the Human Species

Zohrab, Peter Douglas (2017):

Zohrab, Peter Douglas (2018):
Jordan Peterson on MGTOW

Zohrab, Peter Douglas (2018):
VIDEO TRANSCRIPT: "Men In America" Episode 1, including interview with Canadian psychologist Jordan Peterson

Zohrab, Peter Douglas (2018):
The Personal is Political

Zohrab, Peter Douglas (2019):
Welcome to New Zealand, Jordan Peterson!

Zohrab, Peter Douglas (2020):
Linda Clark and the Discriminatory Law Firm, Dentons Kensington Swan

Zohrab, Peter Douglas (2021):
The World Economic Forum's "Global Gender Gap Index" Confidence Trick

Zohrab, Peter Douglas (2021):
Lying Feminist Judge: Applying the Law AND some "Facts", or Applying the Law TO the Facts?

Zohrab, Peter Douglas (2021):
De-Dumbing Up: Rolling Back Feminism and Liberating Men

Zohrab, Peter Douglas (2022):
Feminazi UN High Commissioner for Human Rights proves that Pinochet must have been a great man!



Links on Men's/Fathers' Rights Theory

Links in Alphabetical Groups


ADHD a Fraud ?

Anthology on Women

Anti-feminist lawyer sparks furore over male studies course

Anti-feminist Praxis


Anti-Romeos: Feminism’s Assault on Masculinity


Are Women just Dumb, After all?

Australian marriage and partnering rates plummet



Basic Indicator of Gender Inequality (BIGI)

Beasts of Burden

Best Valentine's Day Gift for College Students: Gender Reconciliation

Big Sister: Is New Zealand the First Feminist State?

Books that Challenge Convention

Broken Records



Canadian Perspective on Ch1ld Sexual Abuse Accusations in the Gender War

Case against Canadian Chief Justice Beverley McLachlin

Chivalry is Not Dead When it Comes to Morality

Classic Marriage: New rules for a new generation

Combatting Feminist Ms-Information

Comparative Power and Welfare of Men and Women in China, as implied by general historical works and works on women in China

Common Characteristics of Dangerous Women

Confronting Woman-Bashing in the Men's Movement


Crime and Punishment; Rape and Revenge



Dawn of the Feminist Police State

Declaration of Langeac

Deconstructing My Car at the Detroit Airport

Descent of Man

Desirable female characteristics

Discrimination in Sentencing

Do Women's Smaller Brains Cause Neurodegenerative Diseases ?

Domain of Patriarchy

Domäne Feminismuskritik

Droit à la Dissidence



Emotional Terrorist


Equality Lie

Extrait du Film "Adieu Gender"



Failure of Fatherhood Policy

Father turns in daughter after finding journal with plans of mass shooting at Md. school

Female Privilege

Female Selfishness & Male Chivalry


Feminism and the Disposable Male

Feminism defined

Feminism is the Product of Female Selfishness and Male Chivalry

Féminisme la grande manipulation

Féminisme - Masculisme

Feminist Law

Feminist Lawyers and Judges

Feminist Legal Theory

Feminist Narcicissism and Political Power

Feminist Fallacies Hurt Police Training

Feminist Reasoning

Feminists' Male Chastity Crusade

Finding Court Opinions On The Web

Fighting Feminists

For Husbands, Does More Housework Mean Less Sex?


The Frontman Fallacy, Feminism, and Men's Rights



Gathering Statistics

Gender Studies for Men

Gendercide Watch

Gynocentrism and its Cultural Origins



#HeToo? A Fight for Men’s Rights, in California Courts: Ladies’ nights, career seminars and paternity fraud are all on the docket.

How Feminist Indoctucation Controls The World

How Women Dominate America's Most Powerful Institution



Illustrated Empathy Gap

In defence of the Modern [Aussie] Man

Indoctucation by the Media-University Complex

Intellectual and Moral Bankruptcy of the Fathers' Movement

International Men's Day

International Men's Day (Australia)

Istituto di studi sulla paternita



Jean Gabard


Justice for Men and Boys (Blog)






La condition masculine et la formation universitaire de base en travail social: une innovation à l'UQAH

Ladies Against Feminism

Left-Wing Media Bias

Lesbian Feminists

L'Homme d'aujourd'hui

Lies, Damned Lies & UN Statistics

L'homme cible


Male Bashing on TV

Males Get Longer Sentences Than Females For Same Crime

Male Studies: A New Academic Discipline

Manufacturing Concern: Worthy and Unworthy Victims: Headline Coverage of Male and Female Victims of Violence in Canadian Daily Newspapers, 1989 to 1992

Marc Lépine vu par Peter Douglas Zohrab

Marriage Strike

Masculist Reflections

Masculist Resistance Manifesto

Masculist Revenge

Masculist Revenge

Media Censorship of the Montreal Massacre (Marc Lepine)

Men are more disadvantaged than women in the UK, US and most of Europe, scientists claim

"Men In America" Episode 1, including interview with Canadian psychologist Jordan Peterson (video)

Men's Activism Wiki

'Mens' rights' activist loses court case that called nightclub's $350 vodka a human rights violation

Men's Rights Manifesto

Men's suicidal life

Mentira da Igualdade


Mentiras, danadas mentiras e as estatísticas das Nações Unidas

Meta Link Centre: Critiques Of Feminism

Metropolitan Police ditches practice of believing all victims

Michael Nicolai Motorin's Russian Patriarchalist Position

Minority is Not Always Right

Misandry -- Men' Don't Exist.

My Female Privilege



Narcisismo Feminista e Poder Politico



O que é o feminismo?


Paradox of Secularism, or: The Opposite is Usually The Case


Peut-être bientôt une Journée de l'homme ?...

Politics of Fatherhood

Power of the Virgin: Psychodynamics of Sexual Politics and the Issue of Women in Combat

Premier congrès international Paroles d'hommes blancs

Presumed Guilty: the invisible war against the working class male

Problem With Today’s Feminism

Protocols of Engagement for all Feminists





Red Pill

Réflexion sur « la « théorie » du genre et ses conséquences sur les relations hommes/femmes et l’éducation des enfants

Repérer une femme perverse narcissique

Revolt of the Prmitive: An Inquiry into the Roots of Political Correctness

Review of "The Battered Woman"

Review of "Sex, Lies & Feminism"



Screw Political Correctness

Sentencing in New Zealand

Seventy-two percent of New Zealanders think men are oppressed

Sex, Lies & Feminism

Sexo, Mentiras e Feminismo

Shut Down Womens Studies - TFF Episode 31

Sin of the Father: Reflections on the Roles of the Corporation Man, the Suburban Housewife, their Son, and their Daughter in the Deconstruction of the Patriarch

Sourcebook of Criminal Justice Statistics

Special Review

Study for Men

Submission to the New Zealand Law Commission on the Court System



Teacheresses Against Boy Children

Tim Goldich


Trouble with 'Doing Boy'

Twenty-first Century Man: The Way Forward (Video)

Two male academics have proposed a new measure of gender inequality that suggests men are falling behind women in 91 countries


Universal Declaration of the Rights of Men

Universal Declaration of the Rights of Men

University of South Australia Male Studies courses commencing in 2014

Urban Legends

Useful Links




VIDEO. Un homme battu par sa femme dans la rue, quelles réactions?



What Everyone Should Know about Feminist Issues: The Male-Positive Perspective

What is Men's Rights About ?

Why do Fathers Wake up One Morning and Realise They have No Rights ?

Why Feminists Aren't Funny

Women and War

Women like women more than men like men

Words Not War

Would you rather your child had Feminism or cancer?






Peter Douglas Zohrab

Latest Update

5 January 2025
